AC Servicing Pricing

At you can hire expert AC technician for AC Servicing in dhaka city and Outsite of Dhaka City. Our Expert AC technician will give you the best AC service and our AC Overhauling Servicing Pricing is lowest in Dhaka city. You can also buy any branded Air Conditioner from and Ponnomela is our sister concerns online e-commerce website of AC SERVICE BD. In the below AC Servicing Pricing chart, you can see the details of pricing.

AC Overhauling Servicing Pricing

Price (tk)
Split Wall Type Cassette type, Ceiling type Air Conditioner(1 ton to 2 ton)
1 Set
Split Wall Type, Cassette type, Ceiling type, Air Conditioner(2.5 ton to 5 ton)
1 Set
Window Type Air Conditioner (1 ton to 2.5 ton)
1 Pcs

N.B.: Above all mentioned rate without VAT & TAX

Buy Top branded AC

AC SERVICE BD is a authorized dealer of Esquire Electronics Ltd. and Noor Trade Electronices. You can buy any branded Air Conditioner from Top brand air conditioner is available at such as General AC,  Sharp ACMidea ACGree ACChigo ACCarrier ACHaier AC  and VRF AC

Buy Top branded AC

AC SERVICE BD is a authorized dealer of Esquire Electronics Ltd. and Noor Trade Electronices. You can buy any branded Air Conditioner from Top brand is available at such as General, Sharp, Midea, Gree, Chigo, Carrier, Haier and VRF